With over two billion users, WhatsApp is a crucial channel for customer communication. Quiq allows user messages sent via WhatsApp to be directed to agents for customer service, support, and sales. The same interface used by your agents for SMS, Web Chat, and more enables them to engage with WhatsApp users as well.
In order to enable WhatsApp for business messaging, you'll need to make sure you've gone through the requisite WhatsApp for Business account creation steps.
Enabling WhatsApp
If you don't see WhatsApp as an option for your Contact Point, please reach out to your account manager to get it enabled.
Ensure that you are logged into Facebook as an Admin on the page to which you associated your WhatsApp account in the steps above. Log into Quiq as an Admin user and navigate to Admin > Contact Points .
Select the Contact Point you wish to be associated with your WhatsApp account or create a new Contact Point if necessary. Click the Register with Meta button to get started:
This will initiate a multi-step Meta modal dialog process that will need to be completed before your WhatsApp account is connected
Phone Number Authentication
As part of the setup process, you will be required to enter a code sent to the phone number associated with your Whatsapp account. Ensure that you have access to receive text or audio messages from that number or you may have trouble completing the WhatsApp setup.
Once the form is completed your WhatsApp account is connected, and you can configure Platform Timer Settings as well as manage your WhatsApp channel.
Additional Resources
The following Meta articles may be helpful when getting started with WhatsApp:
How to connect your phone number to your WhatsApp Business account
Request to connect your Facebook Page to a WhatsApp Business Platform phone number
WhatsApp Features
Below you can find information on WhatsApp specific functionality.
WhatsApp Voice Message to Text Support
When customers on WhatsApp send in a voice message, that message will automatically be transcribed to text in Quiq, alongside a link to the original audio message:
Closed Conversation Exports
When exporting Closed Conversations that contain WhatsApp voice messages, the CSV export will include the transcribed text, as well as a link to the audio message.
Translating WhatsApp voice messages
When both the agent and end user have a preferred language set, a voice message sent in by a WhatsApp user can be transcribed and translated to the agent's preferred language. The translated & transcribed message will show up in the transcript with a link to the original audio, as well as the ability to view the original text that was transcribed and translated.
Unsupported Languages or no preferred language set
If for any reason the message cannot be translated or transcribed, whether that's due to the user messaging in in an unsupported language, or the preferred language not being set, the audio file will show in the transcript, but it will not be translated and/or transcribed. You can view the full list of supported languages here.
Updated 12 months ago