
AI Studio

This is documentation for the classic Quiq bot designer. AI Studio documentation can be found at: https://ai-studio-docs.quiq.com/

Quiq's Bot Designer provides a powerful and intuitive solution for creating conversational bots. With its graph-oriented UI, you can easily build customized bots with a variety of functions such as automating customer service, collecting data, conducting surveys, and personalizing user interactions. The designer is equipped with advanced features like NLP, rich messaging elements, webhooks, and real-time analytics to ensure your bot drives business outcomes. Your bots are compatible with all of Quiq's supported messaging platforms and integrate seamlessly with your live agent workflows.

Key Articles

Learn everything you need to know about setting up your first bot.

Learn about the different behaviors available in the Quiq bot designer.

Learn about the various special events available in the Quiq bot designer.

Learn how to set and use fields within the Quiq bot designer.

View helpful videos and download a sample bot to help you get started.