Exporting Data
Web hooks
If you have a public web server, you can utilize our web hooks. Web hooks are a way we can post data to your servers for certain system events. It does require your web server to be accessible to our servers and therefore must be public. All of our traffic is encrypted using HTTPS.
The most common web hook is the conversation closed web hook which is invoked when a conversation is closed. The entire conversation transcript and details are sent to your server in JSON format.
For more information, see our developer web hook documentation.
Amazon Web Services, Simple Storage Service (AWS S3)
If you own an Amazon S3 bucket, we can export conversation data to the bucket when a conversation is closed. You want to be careful not to make the bucket public. We have recommended settings to help with this.
When this is put in place, you can pick up the conversation data, which is in JSON format, on a regular schedule. You can then import the data in to another system to process it further.
Using this approach, you do not need to open a new port in your corporate firewall, which may be preferred by some IT organizations.
CSV exports
Two sets of data are available for CSV export. Agent Session data is available from the Historical Stats tab of Quiq Reports. Conversation Data is available from the Closed Conversations tabs of Quiq Reports.
Agent Session Data
This data is populated with records that store key metrics about each agent session. A session is bounded by the times an agent logged in and then logged out. The date interval selected for the Historical Stats tab will bound the sessions selected in this export.
Conversation Data
When executing a Conversation search, the resulting conversations may be exported to a CSV file. Note that the transcript (messages sent to and from the customer) and the custom field data are optional and must be selected to be included in the output file.
See CSV Data Fields for more information.
Updated about 2 years ago