Metrics Glossary
Charts and tables of data are available throughout the Quiq user interface to provide KPIs for your organization. Below is a list of the metrics available, what they mean, and where they can be seen in Quiq.
Agent Session Metrics Report values
Closed Conversations Report values
Accept Time
The elapsed time starting when a conversation is offered to an agent, and ending when the agent accepts the offer. The average is calculated across the number of conversations accepted. If an agent re-queues a conversation such that it is offered and accepted again, the Accept Time is counted for both agents, and both are included in the average. Accept Time for Bots is ignored.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Avg Accept Time
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Average Accept Time Today
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Stats > Average Accept Times
Accepted Conversations
The number of conversations accepted by the agent. This does not include accepting a transfer.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsAccepted
Active Conversations
The number of conversations that are/were in Active status. A snapshot is taken to record the number about once per minute. An average could be in fractions of conversations if conversations were active for only a portion of the scaled time units.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Active Conversations
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Active Conversations
Agent Status
The total number of agents in each default status (Available, Current Conversations, Unavailable) during the time interval. A snapshot is taken to record the data about once per minute. If a single agent was logged in and Available for 45 minutes and Unavailable for 15 minutes, Available would show .75 and Unavailable would show .25 for that time period.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Status
Agent Time in Status
The time spent in each parent status while the agent was online - Available, Current Conversations (Available for Existing), and Unavailable. Note that time spent in a configured custom status is not available. The time spent in a configured custom status is included with the parent Status
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Status > Agent Session Metrics Export > timeAvailable/AvailableForExisting/Unavailable
Agent Unresponsive
The number of times the agents did not respond to a conversation within the configured Response Timeout period and the conversation is taken away.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Unresponsive
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Number of Times Agent was Unresponsive
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Unresponsive Agents
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfTimesMarkedUnresponsive
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > numberOfResponseTimeExpirations
Agent Utilization
The utilization percentage of all logged in agents. Utilization is determined by the agent load (the number of conversations assigned to Available agents) divided by the total potential conversations that can be handled simultaneously, that is, the total soft limit of all Available agents. A snapshot is taken to record the data about once per minute.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Queue Stats > Agent Utilization
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Agent Utilization
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Avg Agent Utilization
Agent Utilization Bands
The amount of time an Agent spent in each level of utilization when he was Online. Agent Utilization is the agent load - the percentage of conversations handled compared to the number that an agent can handle based on his configured soft limit. Band0 is not-utilized - meaning the agent was not in any Active conversations. Band1 means that he was utilized between 0 up to 10%, Band2 is more than 10%, up to 20%, ... Band10 is more than 90%, up to 100%. If a user is more than 100% utilized (if he is in more conversations than defined in his soft limit), the time will be counted in Band10. A conversation is counted as utilized when it is taking one of the agent's allotted spots. This means it begins when the conversations is offered to the agent, and ends when the conversations is Inactive or Closed. The time spent in each Band is independent of the status the agent was in.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > timeInUtilizationBandX
Assigned Conversations
The number of distinct conversations that were assigned to the agent during the given time period. A conversation will be counted with all agents who owned it. If the same conversation is re-assigned to an agent who was previously owned it, the subsequent assignment will not be counted.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Total Conversations
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfNovelConversationsAssigned
Closed Conversations
The number of conversations that were closed. If a conversation is created in one time interval and closed in the next (e.g. created yesterday and closed today), it will be counted with the interval when it was closed. This does not include conversations that were Abandoned nor Marked as Spam. Conversations closed by Bots are counted. Conversations closed by the Close Timer or Conversations Rules may not be counted in the Agent Session CSV export if the agent was not logged in when the conversation was Closed.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Ended
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Completed Conversations
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Conversations Completed Today
- Reports > Historical Stats > Conversation Stats > Total Conversations
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Total Conversations
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfClosedConverations
The number of agents who are currently collaborating on the conversations. Collaborations that have currently ended will not be counted.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Conversations
Conversation Length
The elapsed time starting when a conversation starts and ending with the last agent response before the conversation is Closed. The average is calculated across the closed conversations. The time spent with a bot is included in the calculation, though conversations that were closed by a bot are not included. The metric is not computed until the conversation has ended.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Avg Conversation Length
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Average Conversations Length Today
- Reports > Historical Stats > Conversation Stats > Average Conversation Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Avg Conversation Time
Customers In Queue
The total number of conversations that were waiting in queue to be accepted by an agent. A snapshot is taken to record this data about once per minute.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Queue Stats > Customers In Queue
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Customers In Queue
- Reports > Historical Stats > Queue Stats > Customers In Queue
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Avg Queue Size
Customer Message Duration
Similar to Agent Response Time, the length of time it takes a customer to respond to an agent message. It is the time between any additional customer response to an agent message, measured from the oldest agent message since the previous customer message. The average is calculated per conversation.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Conversations
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > averageCustomerMessageDuration
Declined Conversations
The number of conversations offered to an agent that they did not end up handling. This could be because:
The agent accepted the offer but then re-queued it
The agent did not accept the offer before the Invitation Timeout
The agent rejected the offer
The agent missed the Response Timer such that the conversation was taken away
Note that the "Declined" metric counts more than the number of times the agent selected the 'Decline' button on an offer. Use Rejected Conversations for that.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsDeclined
Handle Time Basic
The time (in milliseconds) that a conversation was active and assigned to an agent. The time the conversation was in an Inactive status or waiting in queue is not included. At a conversation level, this is a sum of all the time spent assigned to any agent while Active. At an agent level, this is the sum of time intervals for all active conversations which were assigned to the agent. Note if agents are handling more than one conversation at once, the basic handle time could exceed the total login duration.
The handle time is also available for each status the agent was in during his session (Available, Current Conversations and Unavailable).
Locations used:
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > basicHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > totalBasicHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > availableBasicHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > availableForExistingBasicHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > unavailableBasicHandleTime
Handle Time Concurrency Adjusted
The time (in milliseconds) that a conversation was active and assigned to an agent, factoring in the conversation weight, an agent's potential workload as defined by their soft limit, and their existing workload. The time the conversation was in an Inactive status or waiting in queue is not included. On balance, this is equal to the time the conversation was assigned and Active multiplied by the weight divided by the greater of the assigned agent's soft limit, or their current workload. This provides a means of proportioning out the linear time an agent spent engaged in multiple conversations. This value will approach the total login duration if the agent is fully assigned during their session.
The handle time is also available for each status the agent was in during his session (Available, Current Conversations and Unavailable).
Locations used:
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > concurrencyAdjustedHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > totalConcurrencyAdjustedHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > availableConcurrencyAdjustedHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > availableForExistingConcurrencyAdjustedHandleTime
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > unavailableConcurrencyAdjustedHandleTime
Marked As Spam Conversations
The number of conversations the agent marked as Spam - either before or after accepting the invitation.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsMarkedAsSpam
Messages Sent
The number of messages sent during the conversation. Inbound messages are any messages sent by the Customer. Outbound messages include those sent by the System (from Conversation Rules), by Bots or by human Agents.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Conversations
- Reports > Historical Stats > Conversation Stats > Messages Sent
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Total Inbound Messages/Total Outbound Messages
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > numberOfAgent/Customer/SystemMessages
Missed Conversations
The number of conversations that were offered to the agent, but he did not accept the offer before the Invitation Timeout so the offer was taken away.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsMissed
Offered Conversations
The number of conversations offered to the agent. This does not include transfer requests.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsOffered
Rejected Conversations
The number of times the agent selected the 'Decline' button on a conversation offered.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsRejected
The number of times a conversation was re-queued, including putting back in the same queue or another queue. Bot queues are counted.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > numberOfConversationsRequeued
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > numberOfRequeues
Response Time Duration Agent Based
The response duration between each customer to agent interaction segment. This includes the time between when a conversation was assigned to an agent and he sends a response, and the time between any additional agent response to a customer message, measured from the oldest customer message since the previous agent response. The average is calculated per agent for all interaction segments. Bot interactions are not included in the calculation.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Your Activity Summary for Today > Avg Response Time
- Reports > Current Activity > Agent Performance Today > Average Response Time Today
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Stats > Average Response Times
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > averageResponseTime
Response Time Duration Conversation Based
The response duration between each customer to agent interaction segment. This includes the time between when the conversation enters a human-agent queue and the next agent response, and the time between any additional agent response to a customer message, measured from the oldest customer message since the previous agent response. The average is calculated per conversation. Bot interactions are not included in the calculation.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Conversations
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > averageAgentMessageDuration
Response Time Since Assignment
The elapsed time between when a conversation is first assigned to a human agent and the human agents sends the first response.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > averageInitialResponseTime
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > InitialAgentResponseDurationSinceAssignment
Time In Conversation
The sum of the time spent in each individual conversation, measured from when the conversation starts until the last agent response before the conversation ends. Note this is not the total linear time spent in any conversation. If an agent was handling two conversations simultaneously for 15 minutes, the total time will be 30 minutes (15 minutes for each of the 2 conversations). The average is computed for all Closed conversations.
Locations used:
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Total Time in Conversation
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > timeInConversations
Time Since Last Response
The time since the last agent response was sent. System responses are not counted.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Conversations
Transfers Accepted
The number of times a conversation is transferred from one agent and accepted by another.
Locations used:
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > numberOfAcceptedTransfers
Wait Time
The time a conversation spent waiting before an agent sends a response. The time starts when a conversation arrives to the first human-staffed queue and ends with the first agent response. First responses done by Bots are not counted in the calculation. If a conversation starts with a front-door Bot and then is transferred to an agent queue, the time from when it arrived in that queue to when the human agent sends the first response message will be counted. The average is calculated across all conversations where a human agent response was sent.
Locations used:
- Messaging > Queue Stats > Average Wait Time
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Average Wait Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Queue Stats > Average Wait Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Avg Wait In Queue
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > initialAgentResponseDuration
Work Time
The amount of time an agent spent working on a conversation. This is calculated by summing all of the time spent in work time intervals. A work interval ends when an agent sends a response, and is started from the most recent of these activities:
- The oldest customer message that does not have an agent response
- The most recent message sent by this agent to any conversation
- The assignment of the conversation to this agent
- An incoming customer message reactivated the conversation which had an agent response to the last customer message before Inactivation
Total work time will be updated at the end of each work interval segment. Average work time is not calculated until a conversation is closed. Conversations that are handled only by bots will have a very small amount of work time shown in the data. The average work time and total work time calculations displayed in Reports do not include these in the aggregated metrics. Additional details can be found in this article.
Locations used:
- Reports > Current Activity > Today's Activity > Average Work Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Conversation Stats > Average Work Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Stats > Total Work Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Stats > Avg Work Time
- Reports > Historical Stats > Agent Session Export > totalWorkTime
- Reports > Closed Conversations > CSV Export > workTime
Agent Session Metrics Report values
Closed Conversations Report values
Updated over 1 year ago