Agent Insights Metrics

Agent Insights Metrics

Below is a list of some of the metrics available when creating and analyzing agent performance in agent insights.


A list of available metrics related to agent productivity.

Metric NameDefinition
AvailabilityThe total time the agent was in the Available status. This includes any time spent in any custom Available sub-statuses. When the current date/time is used in the selected date interval, the value returned will be near real-time.
Time OnlineThe total time the agent was logged into the Quiq application, regardless of status. When the current date/time is used in the selected date interval, the value returned will be near real-time.
Time OfflineThe total time the agent was not logged into the Quiq application during the selected date interval. When the current date/time is used in the selected date interval, the value returned will be near real-time.
Time Current ConversationsThe total time the agent was in the Current Conversation status. This includes any time spent in any custom Current Conversation sub-statuses. When the current date/time is used in the selected date interval, the value returned will be near real-time.
Time UnavailableThe total time the agent was in the Unavailable status. This includes any time spent in any custom Unavailable sub-statuses. When the current date/time is used in the selected date interval, the value returned will be near real-time.
ReceivedThe number of conversations received.  Agents may receive the same conversation more than once. Reactivations are not considered received unless the owner changes. A received conversation is counted when the agent declines an invitation or missed an invitation time such that the conversation is re-queued.
Received / Available HourThe average number of conversations received per hour of availability. This is calculated with Received/Availability (in hours). This will always be 0 if there were 0 Received, and blank if there is no time Available.
CompletedThe number of conversations completed. A conversation’s completed time may be when an agent ends the conversation, or when it goes inactive.  NOTE: This metric will be delayed when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. If a conversation was Ended from an Active status by an agent, the completed value will be counted with the closed time. If the conversation was Inactive when it ended, either manually or from a timer, the completed value will be counted with the time it last went Inactive. This means the metric can change when viewing data for a date interval in the recent past since inactive conversations may have since closed. A conversation that is transferred or re-queued is not considered completed by the agent. Conversations Marked as Spam are counted as Completed.
Completion RateThe percent of conversations completed per conversation received. NOTE: This rate will be artificially low when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated by Completed/Received. This will always be 0% if there are 0 Completed but more than 0 Received, and blank if there are 0 Received.
Completions / HourThe average number of conversations completed per hour of availability. NOTE: This rate will be artificially low when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated by Completed/Availability (in hours). This will always be 0 if there were 0 Completed, and blank if there is no time Available.
UtilizationThe degree to which agents’ routing slots were filled with conversations while they were available.  May exceed 100% if agent is consistently above their soft routing limit. If there are active assigned conversations while the agent is in Current Conversations or Unavailable, the utilization is not affected. Being Available and having no assigned Active conversations would count as 0% utilization. While being not-Available isn’t counted toward utilization - or will show as a blank utilization. Conversation weights are taken into account so some conversations may count more than others. Utilization is near real-time.  That is, Active conversations (where the assignment hasn’t ended) are taken into account when using an interval that includes the current time.
Avg. WorkloadThe average weight of the assigned Active conversations when the agent is Available. Any conversations being worked while the agent is not Available, do not count toward workload. Conversation weights are taken into account so some conversations may count more than others, and soft limits are not relevant to the metric. When the agent is Available and has no conversations, he has a workload of 0. This is basically the same as concurrency - only with conversation weight applied.
ObligatedThe percentage of time the agent was Available and had at least one conversation requiring a response. Calculated with the Obligated Total/Availability. The Obligated and Waiting percentages will always add to 100%.
Obligated TotalTotal duration of time when the agent was Available and had at least one conversation requiring a response. If the agent has no active assigned conversations that required a response - that is, have the Response Timer running - then he is Waiting, not Obligated.
WaitingThe percent of time the agent was available but did not have at least one conversation requiring a response. Calculated with the Waiting Total/Availability. The Obligated and Waiting percentages will always add to 100%.
Waiting TotalThe total duration of time when agents did not have at least one conversation requiring a response. If the agent isn't Available, he isn't Waiting. If the agent is Available, and has no assigned conversations, he is always Waiting. If the agent is Available and has one or more assigned conversations and there is response obligation for at least one of them, then he is not Waiting. If the agent is Available and has one or more assigned conversations, but there is no response obligation for any of them, then he is Waiting.
Total Work TimeThe total work time logged by this agent. The accumulated work time will not be counted in the report until the assignment interval is completed. That is, the completed work time intervals for an active conversation still assigned to the agent, aren’t counted when the report interval includes the current time. Work time for both completed and non-completed conversations is counted.
Work Time / CompletionThe average work time per conversation. NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated from the Total Work Time/Completed
Work Time / ReceivedThe average work time per conversation received. This is calculated from the Total Work Time/Received.
Adj. Handle Time TotalThe total concurrency-adjusted handle time accrued by agents.  This measure of handle time has built in account for concurrency. The handle time will not be counted in the report until the assignment interval is completed.  That is, the handle time accumulated for an active conversation still assigned to the agent, isn’t counted when the report interval includes the current time. All the handle time done during the assignment interval will be counted when the assignment interval ends (conversation counted as Received), even if some of it exists outside the report interval.  Handle time for both completed and non-completed conversations is counted.
Adj. Handle Time  / CompletionThe average concurrency-adjusted handle time per conversation completed. NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated from the Adj. Handle Time Total/Completed. The handle time done for non-completed conversations is counted towards this value. 
Adj. Handle Time / ReceivedThe average concurrency-adjusted handle time per conversation received. This is calculated from the Adj. Handle Time Total/Received
Basic Handle Time TotalThe total duration of routing slot occupancy for agents. The handle time will not be counted in the report until the assignment interval is completed.  That is, the handle time accumulated for an active conversation still assigned to the agent, isn’t counted when the report interval includes the current time. Handle time for both completed and non-completed conversations is counted.
Basic Handle Time  / CompletionThe average basic handle time per conversation completed. NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated from the Basic Handle Time Total/Completed. The handle time done for non-completed conversations is counted towards this value.
Basic Handle Time / ReceivedThe average basic handle time per conversation received. This is calculated from the Basic Handle Time Total/Received.
Avg Initial Response per AssignmentThe average time it took for the agent to send a response to the customer after assignment. If the conversation is assigned to multiple agents (for example, in transfers or queue changes), then the first response for each assignment will be included in the calculation. Assignment begins when the conversation is offered to the agent, when using invitations. The time spent waiting in queue is not included.


A list of available metrics related to quality.

Metric NameDefinition
Reopen RateThe rate at which completed conversations reopen and escalate to live agents within 72 hours. This is calculated as the Reopens/Completed.
ReopensThe number of completed conversations that were reopened and escalated to live agents within 72 hours. The re-open is credited to the agent who is credited with closing the original conversation, no matter which agent handled the re-open. The re-open is counted at the time the original conversation was completed - but not until the reopen occurs. Thus, this metric may change over time for a report window in the past 72 hours.
Missed Response RateThe percent of response timer misses per conversation received. This is calculated as the Missed Response/Received.
Missed ResponsesThe number of times the agent missed the response timer and the conversation was taken away.
InvitationsThe number of invitations offered to the agent - or the number of conversations routed to the agent from the queue. When invitations are disabled such that conversations are directly assigned to agents without invitation, an Invitation is still counted.
Missed Invitation RateThe percent of invitation misses or rejections per invitation offered. This is calculated as the Missed Invitations/Invitations.
Missed InvitationsThe number of invitation misses or rejections. This also includes the number of times the agent manually rejected the invitation using the Decline button, but does not include Transfer request Declines.
Accepted Invitation RateThe percent of invitations accepted per invitation offered. This is calculated as the Accepted Invitations/Invitations.
Accepted InvitationsThe number of invitations accepted by the agent. This does not include Transfer requests that were accepted. When invitations are disabled such that conversations are directly assigned to agents without invitation, an Accepted Invitation is not counted.


A list of available metrics related to Surveys & Feedback.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg. Score surveyLabel questionLabelThe average score for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available. The survey score is attributed to the last agent assigned the conversation prior to survey invitation.
Count surveyLabel questionLabelThe count of responses provided for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available.
Total surveyLabel questionLabelThe total score for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available.

Transfers & Requeues

A list of available metrics related to transfers and requeues.

Metric NameDefinition
Transfer RateThe percent of Transfers per conversation received. This is calculated with the Transfers/Received.
TransfersThe number of times agents transferred conversations to another agent. Declined Transfer requests are ignored. Manager take-overs are not counted.
Transfers Received RateThe percentage of received conversations that began as Transfer from another agent. This is calculated with the Transfers Received/Received
Transfers ReceivedThe number of times agents accepted Transfers from other agents. Declined Transfer requests are ignored. Manager take-overs are not counted.
Queue Return RateThe percent of re-queued conversations to the same queue per conversation received. This is calculated with the Queue Returns/Received.
Queue ReturnsThe number of times agents re-queued conversations to the same queue. Manual queue changes to a different queue are not counted and changing queue, remaining in conversation are not counted. Re-queues due to Missed Response Timers or Missed Invitations are not counted.
Queue Change RateThe percent of agent queue reassignments per conversation received.  Does not include cases where the agent changes the queue but remains the owner. This is calculated with the Queue Changes/Received.
Queue ChangesThe number of times agents reassign queues. Does not include cases where the agent changes the queue but remains the owner. Manual queue changes to the same queue and changing queue, remaining in the conversation, are not counted.
Manager Takeover RateThe percentage of received conversations that were taken over by a manager.
Manager TakeoversThe number of times a manager did a take-over of a conversation that was assigned to the agent.

Asynch Handling

A list of available metrics related to handling asynchronous conversations.

Metric NameDefinition
Inactive WorkloadThe average workload of inactive conversations assigned to agents while they’re available. The time spent Offline, Unavailable or in Current Conversations is not counted - only the Available time periods are counted. The weights of the conversations are taken into account so the value could be higher than the number of conversations that were shown to the agent as Inactive. If an agent was Available, but had no Inactive conversation the entire period, a value of 0 is shown. If an agent wasn’t Active, then no value is shown.
Manual Completion RateThe percent of conversation completions in which agents synchronously closed the conversation via the End button. NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated with Manual Completions/Completed.
Manual CompletionsThe number of conversation completions in which agents synchronously closed the conversation via the End button. Conversations that were closed by a timer are not counted.
Manual Inactivation RateThe rate at which agents manually inactivate conversations per conversation received. This is calculated with Manual Inactivations/Received.
Manual InactivationsThe number of times the agent manually inactivated a conversation by selecting the Inactive button. Conversations that became Inactive based on a system timer are not counted. Each time the agent selects the ‘Mark Inactive’ button is counted so the same conversation/assignment could be counted multiple times if the ‘Mark Inactive’ button is selected again after the conversation is reactivated.
Manual Reactivation RateThe rate at which agents manually reactivate conversations by sending a message per conversation received. This is calculated with Manual Reactivations/Received.
Manual ReactivationsThe number of times agents manually reactivate conversations by sending a message. This is counted when an agent sends a response on an Inactive conversation, which re-activates it. A customer message which re-activated a conversation is not counted. If an agent does some other action on the conversation that re-actives it (like transferring), it will not be counted.
Unnecessary Reactivation RateThe rate at which agents sent a message the system determined was unnecessary to inactive conversations, thereby reactivating them, per conversation received. Calculated with Unnecessary Reactivations/Received.
Unnecessary ReactivationsThe total number of times agents sent a message the system determined was unnecessary to Inactive conversations, thereby reactivating them. This will only be counted when the agent sends a message to an Inactive conversation where there was no obligation to do so.  Often, this is something like “Are you still there?” or “If you still need help…”. If the agent sends such a message (no obligation to send one) while the conversation is Active, it will not be counted. If the agent sends a message that was required that reactivates a conversation (Inactive, but still have obligation to respond), then it is not counted.

Message Authoring

A list of available metrics related to how Agents author messages.

Metric NameDefinition
Messages / CompletionThe average messages sent by the agent per conversation completed. NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated with Messages Total/Completion.
Messages / ReceivedThe average messages sent by the agent per conversation received. This is calculated with Messages Total/Received.
Messages TotalThe total number of messages sent by agents. Only human agent messages are counted - customer, system and bot messages are not counted.
Typing / CompletionThe average amount of time spent typing per completion.  NOTE: This rate will be artificially high when viewing recent data because current conversations are not yet completed. This is calculated with Total Typing Time/Completed.
Typing / ReceivedThe average amount of time spent typing per conversation received. This is calculated with Total Typing Time/Received.
Typing / WorkThe percent of work time that was spent typing. This is calculated with Total Typing Time/Total Work Time.
Total Typing TimeThe total time spent typing message text. This is the time spent actively entering characters from the keyboard. It does not count time pasting in characters from clipboard or using Snippets, nor does it include time sitting with focus in the Message text box when not typing.
KeyboardThe percent of agent message characters manually typed from the keyboard. This is calculated with the total number of characters typed from the keyboard/total number of characters entered in the message. If any typed characters are removed before sending, they are still counted.
ClipboardThe percent of agent message characters pasted from the clipboard. This is calculated with total number of characters pasted in from the clipboard/total number of characters entered in the message. If you remove any of those characters before sending, they are still counted.
SnippetsThe percent of agent message characters inserted from Snippets. This is calculated with the total number of characters entered from a Snippet/total number of characters entered in the message. If you remove any of those characters before sending, they are still counted as entered.
SuggestThe percent of agent message characters accepted from Quiq Suggest. This is calculated with the total number of characters added by accepting Suggest suggestions/total number of characters entered in the message. If you remove any of those characters before sending, they are still counted as entered
OtherThe percent of agent message characters injected from other sources like right-hand-side extensions. This is calculated with the total number of characters added through RHS extensions/total number of characters entered in the message. If you remove any of those characters before sending, they are still counted as entered.