Queue Insights Metrics

Queue Insights Metrics

Below is a list of the metrics available when analyzing queue performance in queue insights.

Workload Volume

Metrics about the weight of work items for the queue on average, both being worked, and waiting to be worked, and the number of work items that moved in and out of the queue. The Workload Volume metrics will be applying weights to the conversations, while the Conversation Volume metrics will be counting the individual conversations.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg Workload The average weight of all Active conversations in the queue - both assigned and waiting for an agent (unassigned) - at any time during the report interval. Conversations from specific platforms can be configured in the the Routing tab of the Quiq Admin UI to allow the agent to give more attention to some conversations than others.
Avg Waiting WorkloadThe average weight of all Active conversations in the queue that were waiting for an agent at any time during the report interval. Conversations from specific platforms can be configured in the the Routing tab of the Quiq Admin UI to allow the agent to spend more attention on some conversations than others.
Workload EnteredThe weighted number of conversations that entered the queue. An “enter” occurs when a conversation not assigned to the queue was assigned to the queue during the report interval. Re-activations are not counted as entered. The same conversation may be counted for the same queue multiple times if it was assigned to the queue, then assigned to another, and then re-assigned back to the original. An “enter” does not occur when a conversation is re-queued to the same queue - either manually by an agent, or by the system due to missed timers or agent logouts.
Workload Re-queuedThe weighted number of conversations that were re-assigned away from the queue. This does not include conversations that were closed in the queue.
Workload CompletedThe weighted number of conversations that were set to Closed or Spam - by the system or by an agent, or web chat conversations that were Abandoned before being assigned to an agent.
Workload SpamThe weighted number of conversations that were set to Spam - by the system or by an agent.
Workload AbandonedThe weighted number of conversations that where abandoned while waiting in the queue before reaching an agent. This will only ever apply to Web Chat conversations.

Conversation Volume

Metrics about the number of work items for the queue on average, both being worked, and waiting to be worked, and the number of work items that moved in and out of the queue. The Conversation Volume metrics will be counting each individual conversation, while the Workload Volume metrics will be applying conversation weights associated with those same conversations.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg ConvosThe average number of Active conversations in the queue - both assigned and waiting for an agent (unassigned) - at any time during the report interval. Inactive conversations are not counted.
Avg Waiting ConvosThe average number of Active conversations in the queue that were waiting for an agent at any time during the report interval.
Convos EnteredThe number of conversations that entered the queue. An “enter” occurs when a conversation not assigned to the queue was assigned to the queue during the report interval. Re-activations are not counted as entered. The same conversation may be counted for the same queue multiple times if it was assigned to the queue, then assigned to another, and then re-assigned back to the original. An “enter” does not occur when a conversation is re-queued to the same queue - either manually by an agent, or by the system due to missed timers or agent logouts.
Convos Re-queuedThe number of conversations that were re-assigned away from the queue. This does not include conversations that were closed in the queue
Convos CompletedThe number of conversations that were set to Closed or Spam - by the system or by an agent.
Spam ConvosThe number of conversations that were set to Spam.
Abandoned ConvosThe number of conversations that where abandoned while waiting in the queue before reaching an agent. This will only ever apply to Web Chat conversations.

Wait Time

Metrics about the amount of time customers waited for a response from a human agent.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg Estimated Wait TimeThe average time that Quiq estimated wait times to be at any moment during the report interval where there were conversations waiting, and an estimate could be calculated.
Avg Customer Wait TimeThe average customer wait time measured as time between when the conversation transitioned to the first human agent queue and when the initial agent responded. NOTE: Metrics in this column are credited to the queue that the conversation was in when the initial agent responded. This may be a different queue than the initial human agent queue. This data is not available for time periods before February 6, 2024.


Metrics about the time the queue spent in different levels of saturation.

Metric NameDefinition
Time EmptyThe total time the queue had no Active conversations, neither in progress (assigned) nor waiting (unassigned)
Time SparseThe total time the queue had at least one Active conversation in progress (assigned), but no Active conversations were waiting (unassigned)
Time SaturatedThe time the queue had at least one Active conversation waiting in the queue. This would also mean that every Available agent had all their available slots filled - i.e. was 100% (or more) utilized.
Time Agent ReadyThe time the queue had at least one agent ready to take conversations. Just like with rule conditions, "Agent Ready" means there is at least one agent in an Available status who can receive from the queue and under is soft limit (less than 100% utilized) such that conversations can be routed to them. If no agents are Available, there would be no Agent Ready time accumulated. If there are agents available, but they are all at capacity - either working conversations for this queue or some other queue - there would also be no Agent Ready time accumulated.

Agent Capacity

Metrics about the workload that could be handled based on the agents present and their soft limits.


An agent’s capacity will be counted with each and every queue which they can receive from via their associated roles. When agents are configured to receive from or work items in multiple queues, this metric may appear inflated.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg Total Agent CapacityThe time-weighted average of the soft limits of all the agents who were online.
Avg Available Agent CapacityThe time-weighted average of the soft limits of all the agents who were online and in any Available status.
Avg Current Convos Agent CapacityThe time-weighted average of the soft limits of all the agents who were online and in any Current Conversation status.
Avg Unavailable Agent CapacityThe time-weighted average of the soft limits of all the agents who were online and in any Unavailable status.

Agent Workload

Metrics about the workload that is being handled based on the agents present who can receive from the queue. An agent’s workload will be counted with each and every queue which they can receive from via their associated roles. When agents are configured to receive from or work items in multiple queues, this metric may appear inflated. Note this metric may not the same as average workload currently assigned in the queue.


Workload and Agent Workload are different!

Workload measures the weight of the conversations that are in the queue while Agent Workload measures the weight of conversations assigned to agent who can receive from the queue. These will only ever be the same for a given queue if any agent can only receive from a single queue.

If you have a Sales and Support queue, and Agent Tom can do Sales, and Agent Nancy can do work from either, when you have one conversation in the Support queue assigned to Nancy, the Avg Workload for Sales is 0. But, the Avg Agent Workload is 1. Because Nancy in engaged in a Support conversation, that impacts the Sales queue since she her availability to handle conversations in Sales is impacted.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg Total Agent WorkloadThe time-weighted average of workload (weights of all assigned Active conversations) for all the agents who were online who can receive from the queue.
Avg Available Agent WorkloadThe time-weighted average of workload (weights of all assigned Active conversations) for all the agents who were in an Available status who can receive from the queue.
Avg Current Convos Agent WorkloadThe time-weighted average of workload (weights of all assigned Active conversations) for all the agents who were in a Current Conversations status who can receive from the queue.


Metrics about the number of agents who can receive from the queue.


An agent will be counted with each and every queue which they can receive from via their associated roles. When agents are configured to receive from or work items in multiple queues, this metric may appear inflated.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg Online AgentsThe time-weighted average of the number of agents who were online who can receive from the queue
Avg Available AgentsThe time-weighted average of the number of agents who were in any Available status who can receive from the queue.
Avg Current Convos AgentsThe time-weighted average of the number of agents who were in any Current Convos status who can receive from the queue.
Avg Unavailable AgentsThe time-weighted average of the number of agents who were in any Unavailable status who can receive from the queue.

Handle Time

Metrics about the time spent working on conversations as they left the queue.

Metric NameDefinition
Basic Handle Time / ConversationThe average basic handle time per distinct conversation. NOTE: The entire handle time accrued during an agent assignment will be fully credited to the time when the conversation is either re-assigned, re-queued, goes inactive, or is closed. This means some handle time may be credited to a later time which can be more noticeable when evaluating smaller reporting intervals.
Adj. Handle Time / ConversationThe average concurrency-adjusted handle time per distinct conversation. NOTE: The entire handle time accrued during an agent assignment will be fully credited to the time when the conversation is either re-assigned, re-queued, goes inactive, or is closed. This means some handle time may be credited to a later time which can be more noticeable when evaluating smaller reporting intervals.
Work Time / ConversationThe average work time per distinct conversation. NOTE: The entire work time accrued during an agent assignment will be fully credited to the time when the conversation is either re-assigned, re-queued, goes inactive, or is closed. This means some work time may be credited to a later time which can be more noticeable when evaluating smaller reporting intervals.


Metrics related to Surveys & Feedback. The survey results will be credited with the queue that the conversation which triggered the survey ended in.

Metric NameDefinition
Avg. Score surveyLabel questionLabelThe average score for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available. The survey score is attributed to the last queue assigned the conversation prior to survey invitation.
Count surveyLabel questionLabelThe count of responses provided for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available.
Total surveyLabel questionLabelThe total score for the survey question surveyLabel questionLabel. Only survey questions that are of type Score choice or Number rating will be available.