OneLogin Setup

Learn how to use Quiq with OneLogin.

  1. Create a custom connector in OneLogin
  2. Name the connector: Quiq
  3. For Sign on method select OpenID Connect
  4. For Redirect URI input https://$
  5. For Post Logout Redirect URI input https://$
  6. For Signing Algorithm use RS256
  7. For Login url input: https://$


Make sure to replace YOUR_QUIQ_TENANT in the URLs above with your unique tenant name.

  1. Save the connector and it should be filled out as below
  1. Now add an application for the connector.
  2. Under the More Actions dropdown choose Add App to Connector
  1. Click Save on the configuration page.
  2. Edit the Quiq application and click on SSO in the left hand side menu.
  3. For Application Type choose Web.
  4. For Token Endpoint choose Basic as the Authentication Method.
  1. Save the Application.
  2. Gather info from your setup to pass along to your Quiq implementation specialist.
  3. Pass the information securely by inputting the info into and generating a link. Then email your implementation specialist the link.
  4. Your implementation specialist will need the following information:
    a. client_id
    b. client_secret
    c. Issuer URL
  1. That should be it! Once your implementation specialist injects these values securely into the Quiq platform OneLogin can act as your Single Sign On for Quiq.