Ping Setup
Learn how to use Quiq with Ping Identity.
- Create a new app in Ping
- For Redirect URI input https://$
Make sure to replace YOUR_QUIQ_TENANT in the URL above with the name of your tenant.
- For scope grants approve the following: phone, profile, email, address.
- Set up Attribute Mappings to have an Application Attribute called “email” that has an Outgoing Value of “Email Address”
- Gather info from your setup to pass along to your Quiq implementation specialist.
- Pass the information securely by inputting the info into and generating a link. Then email your implementation specialist the link.
- Your implementation specialist will need the following information:
a. Authorization URL
b. Token Endpoint
c. Userinfo Endpoint
d. client_id
e. client_secret
That should be it! Once your implementation specialist injects these values securely into the Quiq platform Ping can act as your Single Sign On for Quiq.
Updated 12 months ago