Compliance Tools

Date Released: 2023-03-29

A new Compliance Tools section is available in Admin. Customers can be searched for by Phone Number or Email Address, and the returned customer data can then be permanently deleted as required for compliance purposes. This is a useful tool for handling GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and/or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) requests you receive from your customers.

A maximum of 500 Phone Numbers and 500 Email Addresses can be searched for at a time, and the numbers/addresses can be entered comma or new line separated.

The data associated with customers that are currently associated with Active, Inactive, or Unassigned/Queued conversations can't be deleted. If you search for a customer in that state, the Search Results section does display, but the Delete Records button is disabled and the text One or more customers have been flagged for non-deletion. This typically occurs when a customer is currently in an active conversation displays. This is the case as long as at least one customer returned in the search is in that state, even if other customers included in that same search can be deleted.

When customer data is deleted, that data can not be retrieved or restored, so please use caution when doing so - deletion is a permanent process. A Customer Data Deleted entry type is reported in Admin > Security > Audit Log when customer data is deleted from the Admin > Compliance Tools page.

Affected Users: Administrator